I have over twenty years of leadership experience as an active-duty USCG officer from 1977 to 1999, followed by 20 years in business as a maritime license consultant.
USCG Headquarters
- Elbow-to-elbow experience in Washington, D.C. with the highest level USCG and Department of Transportation executives and attorneys
- Program manager for the maritime drug and alcohol testing regulations
- Branch chief for mariner license suspension and revocation proceedings
- Authored commercial fishing vessel safety regulations
Mariner Licensing
- Nationally recognized expert in the complex field of mariner licensing and vessel manning regulations
- Established and supervised Regional Exam Centers (RECs)
- Pioneered mail transactions system
- Hands-on licensing experience includes:
- Evaluator and examiner before RECs were established
- Evaluator and examiner during the establishment of RECs in 1982
- Senior Inspector of Personnel during the 46 CFR Part 10 rewrite in the late 1980s
- Licensing experience during initial STCW and tankerman regulation changes
Marine Inspector
- Supervised marine inspection department
- Inspected hundreds of commercial vessels for safety and regulatory compliance, including lifesaving, firefighting, hull, machinery, and electrical systems
Marine Investigator
- Supervised marine investigation departments
- Investigated the cause of scores of marine casualties
- Successfully prosecuted a dozen suspension and revocation cases against mariner licenses before Administrative Law Judges
Port Operations
- Supervised port operations department
- Coordinated oil spill cleanups, implemented port safety programs, and directed vessel movements
Deck Watch Officer
- In charge of navigational watches on Medium Endurance Cutter
- Boarding officer for drug smuggling operations, Fishery Conservation Management Act compliance, and law enforcement
- B.S., Ocean Engineering, USCG Academy, 1977
- Unlimited Second Mate Merchant Mariner License
- Connecticut-registered Engineer in Training
“I could not have gotten my 1600 GT Masters without your expertise.”